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Ethiopia dam project is devastating the lives of remote indigenous groups

"Pastoralists living in the Omo valley are being forcibly relocated, imprisoned and killed due to plans to build a massive dam that will turn the region into a major centre for commercial farming"

Category: Energy sources


BP hit by new $34bn Deepwater Horizon claim

"Latest demand comes from local and southern state governments, including Louisiana and Mississippi, hit hard by pollution following 2010 blowout"


Windfarms break energy record in Spain

"Past three months saw windfarms produce more electricity than any other source for first time, trade body says"

Category: Energy sources


Nuclear expansion plan thwarted after Cumbria no vote to underground store

"Ministers accept need for credible solution to waste storage as Ed Davey resumes mission to site £12bn waste repository"


Lights out – France to force shops and offices to go dark overnight

"French light pollution law is expected to save 250,000 tonnes of C02 a year"

Displaying results 81 to 85 out of 2977